
martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Clarisas Reparadoras: Profesión Solemne de Sor Mª Jesús de la Divina Misericordia Pascual Carballo

El Sr. Obispo presidirá, D.m., el próximo 31 de mayo la
Profesión Solemne
de Sor Mª Jesús de la Divina Misericordia Pascual Carballo,
a las 18.00h. en el Convento San José de Vilar de Astrés (Ourense).
Estáis todos invitados.

12 comentarios:

  1. God bless you! I shall never forget your wise pieces of advice. You' ll be in the list of my best friends forever. C Valbon

  2. Although I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul, please include me in your prayers. C. Valbon

  3. Somewhere over the rainbow .....C.Valbon

  4. Being the master of my fate and the captain of my soul and mind, I believe the Mason´s God doesn´t mean to offend anyone, and agree with everybody. The Great Architect of the Universe. C. Valbon

  5. ... way up high, C. Valbon

  6. My prayer is to linger with you at the end of the day in a dream that´s divine. C. Valbon

  7. Joyeux anniversaire. Nous voulons que vous soyez bien a S J Vilar de Astres. C Valbon

  8. Arbeit macht frei. Happy to hear you are happy working at C San José BVilar de Astres. C. Valbon

  9. GADU el Gran Arquitecto Del Universo (God Alah, Dío, Unique) asks me to congratulate you on May 31st. a warm pat on the back and be as happy as I wish you may be.
    C Valbon

  10. Many happy returns of the day! Everyman`s Jack knows you are a jolly good fellow. Our best wishes . C. Valbon

  11. Happy birthday to you, my dearest friend ever. C. Valbon-Maceda

  12. ne me quitte pas, svp. C Valbon -Maceda
